Changing GRACE

What if you could finally pause...take a beat, take a BREATH and allow yourself the space and time to connect with your OWN needs, desires and purpose? 

scroll to begin

Have you lost yourself amidst the chaos and noise of motherhood?  

What would it feel like to really know yourself again - to reclaim your life and rediscover your purpose beyond your role as a mother?
Yes, you are a "superwoman" - constantly tending to the needs of those around you, running the to-do lists on loop in your mind and being everything to everyone.

But you quietly doubt yourself, question whether or not you're "doing it right" and constantly feel over-tasked, over-stimulated and overwhelmed.  

If so, then you, my friend, are in the right place.

Any of that ring true for you?

Let's do it

You have a life that looks great on paper, but inside you are exhausted, unfulfilled, discouraged and overwhelmed.

Does this also sound familiar?

And at the end of the day, all you really want is to hit the "pause" button & be present in the great moments of your life...  
to let go of some of the pressures, expectations and guilt and finally
feel whole.

Guess what?  you're not alone.

Good on paper

No matter how "productive" you are, there simply are not enough hours in the day to get done all you need to do.

Time flying by

When you do make time for yourself, you feel guilty  because you "should be"
doing something else. 

Guilt creeping in

The constant demands on your time and energy leave nothing left for YOU at the end of the day. 


Believe me when I say I get it... because I’ve been exactly where you are right now.

I know what it's like to feel like you're running on empty on the never-slowing treadmill of life.

I know how exhausting it can be to manage everyone else's schedules, needs and emotions while letting your own fall by the wayside.

I know that familiar replay reel full of "should haves" and "could haves" and the unrelenting worry of whether or not you're doing the "right" things. 

But, guess what?

You are the one in charge of your own story. You have the power to let go of guilt, resentment, anxiety, comparisons, unmet expectations and reclaim your life. 

It’s time to say “goodbye” to being the passive bystander in your own life and discover your unique power and GRACE.

You can take care of your family and take care of yourself too. 

they are not mutually exclusive. 

In fact, the healthier and happier you are, the more able you are to show up for your family as your best self.  

Just imagine what it would actually be like to:

  • Take an evening class on that thing you've always been interested in but never had time for.

  • Sit down, pick up your feet and read a REAL book just for fun - and actually stay awake long enough to enjoy it!

  • Spend time and have FUN with your kids or partner without the nagging to-do list on loop in the background of your mind.

  • Finally check out that new yoga studio or fitness class you've been really wanting to try.  

  • Sit and enjoy a healthy, satisfying meal instead of filling up on the leftover scraps that your kids didn't eat.

  • Regularly spend time with a friend who lights you up...without guilt and without feeling like you "should be" doing something else. 

All of that CAN be your reality thanks to

Changing GRACE

I'm ready

Changing GRACE

Choose YOU.  Choose NOW. 

If you feel overwhelmed by the demands of motherhood and feel like you're treading water trying to keep your whole world afloat - Changing GRACE is the life raft that will bring you back to shore.  

WHO AM I TO TEACH YOU HOW TO find balance and quiet the noise in a crazy, challenging, overwhelming time in your life?

Thankfully, at some point, I realized that the path I was on was not sustainable.  
I had lost sight of my purpose. 
I had lost sight of myself. 

It’s my mission to help as many moms as possible embrace their role as the ultimate leader with strength, clarity and purpose by simply focusing on what works.

Changing GRACE would have saved me SO MUCH time and energy and provided me with clarity, self-confidence and direction.  I can’t wait for it to do the same for you.

Hi, I'm Dr. Laura Hays

I spent years pursuing and succeeding at my career...oftentimes also consumed with guilt and shame over some untrue, perceived inadequacies at home.  

As a leader in the medical field, practicing on the frontlines of emergency medicine, particularly through a pandemic of epic proportions - I struggled with finding balance in my life...I started to burn out.  

I am ready!

I’ve taken everything that I learned on my journey and put it into
Changing GRACE because it’s exactly what I wish I had when I was overwhelmed, exhausted and drowning in self-doubt, guilt and anxiety.

So, I made the decision to take back control of my life.  To start actively participating in my own life, create change and make life happen FOR me instead of TO me. 

Laura hays md, facep

"This program has truly been a transformative experience and I cannot recommend it highly enough for any mother seeking to prioritize her well-being and enhance her overall quality of life."

Catherine T.

"Changing GRACE has helped me slow down and be present in my life by creating awareness.  The pause was much needed as I find myself going from day to day being pulled along from thing to thing instead of being in the moment and living my life ."

Mandy F.

"This program has helped me to make conscious decisions about my life to avoid unhealthy or non-optimal habits instead of just operating on autopilot."

Julie K.

Testimonials like these are exactly why I created Changing grace. 
are You ready for results like this?

Changing GRACE is a 6 week coaching program for MOTHERS that includes a combination of recorded modules, worksheets, journal prompts, guided meditations and (2) private, virtual one-on-one sessions.

Here’s what you’ll learn on the inside:


Embark on your path to better well-being as you begin to explore your current mindset and obstacles which may be holding you back from showing up consistently as your best self. 

Challenging the Narrative


Combine the three columns from this chart here for each week! Watch the offer over-the-shoulder tutorial for an example of how to do this.

Module Name Goes Here


Start moving through GRACE as we explore personal sacrifice, self forgiveness and start letting go of guilt.

Guilt to Gratitude


Learn about grieving old relationship dynamics, effective communication & start building respect
for the leader that you are. 

Resentment to Respect


Combine the three columns from this chart here for each week! Watch the offer over-the-shoulder tutorial for an example of how to do this.

Module Name Goes Here


This week, we get down to science to help you understand your unique sources of stress, the physiology of anxiety and teach you ways toward
peace and acceptance.

Anxiety to Acceptance


Comparison is part of human nature. Together we'll explore some of our social and temporal comparisons and start recognizing that our truth deserves the attention we often give to others.  

Comparison to Compassion


Combine the three columns from this chart here for each week! Watch the offer over-the-shoulder tutorial for an example of how to do this.

Module Name Goes Here


In our final week, you will start to let go of unrealistic expectations to start improving your relationship to yourself and those around you.  

Expectation to Empowerment

6 Online Modules

Here's what you can expect


You will schedule 2 private coaching sessions where we will dive deeper into the content you learn in the modules and give attention to your personal needs, goals and desires.  These sessions need to be scheduled within 2 months of your initial sign-up date. 

(2) PRIVATE One-to-One Sessions


Each week's module contains various worksheets and journal prompts designed to help you explore the concepts you learn and expand your self-awareness.

Worksheets & Journaling


As your coach, I am here to support you on your journey toward better health and well-being and will be accessible to you via DM and email.  Being a mom can feel isolating.  Think of me as your new BFF!

Personal Email Support


You're busy, things come up.  This program is designed to be flexible, digestible and approachable.
While I encourage you to commit to completing the program over 6-8 weeks, you will have lifetime access to all materials.

let's do this! Sign me up!

Two Private Coaching Calls

Materials & Resources

Ongoing Support

Embrace your role as a mother without sacrificing your own needs or dimming your own light

On the other side of Changing GRACE, you’ll be equipped to:

enroll today

Connect to your core values, mind & body to understand what is truly important to you

Re-engage with your family, be present in the moments of your life & show up as your best self

Create healthy habits that will mitigate the long-term effects of stress & reduce anxiety

Honor yourself & your own needs without guilt, shame or self-doubt

Realize positive sustainable changes in your health & well-being that will have lasting impact

Here’s Everything You Get Access To

[2] 1:1 Personalized coaching calls

[6] Modules with bite-sized video lessons to watch at your own pace

Email support & ongoing connection

Lifetime access to all materials, including worksheets, journal prompts & meditations

Click the button below and enter your information to sign up.

Here's How it Works...

Step 01:

Within 15 minutes you will receive an email from me with login instructions.

Step 02:

Log into the program, take a deep breath and get ready to reconnect with YOU!

Step 03:

Now for only $997

(2) private coaching sessions

worksheets, prompts & guided meditations

6 online modules - my proven blueprint to optimal well-being


Limited Time Offer

Join Changing GRACE Today

the investment

Changing grace journal mailed directly to your door! 

ongoing support 

Pay Over Time


Best Value!

Get everything inside Changing GRACE for as little as $87/month when you join with Afterpay.

We're talking a comprehensive coaching program for less than the cost of your monthly coffee runs!  

enroll now!

* Our programs are FSA/HSA eligible!

You know which option I’m voting for. Because...

In 2 weeks, you could be clear about what it is you desire most from your life and on your way toward achieving harmony among all the various parts that make you...YOU.  

In 4 weeks, you could be more connected to your core values, setting boundaries, prioritizing your own well-being while still showing up for your family and those around you...unburdened by guilt and anxiety.  

And in 6 weeks, you could be more aligned with your purpose, more present with your family and finally feel in control of your life and its direction.  

AND, your Changing GRACE journey continues beyond our formal time together...cultivating healthy, sustainable practices that will continue to have lasting impact for you and those around you. 

But that’s ONLY IF you choose option 2 and realize that YOU ARE WORTHY of your own time and energy.  It's time to say goodbye to being the passive bystander in your own life and discover your unique power and GRACE!

Now you have two choices:

Close this page and remain exhausted - giving your all to the needs of others with little to nothing left for yourself


Enroll in Changing GRACE and take the first step toward a more balanced, more fulfilled and healthier version of you!


Sign me up!

You might be wondering...

What if I want to do this but I have no time? 

I get it.  We all have the same 24 hours in a day and it NEVER seems like enough time.  But, know that YOU are WORTHY of your own time and energy!  Changing GRACE is designed to be flexible and digestible for busy moms just like you. 

What if I miss a week or get off track?

Life happens, things come up, you're busy!  That's why you will have 2 months to schedule (2) 1:1 coaching sessions  AND lifetime access to the videos, worksheets, journal prompts and meditations.

What happens after I sign up?

As soon as you enroll in Changing GRACE you will receive an email with portal information (be sure to check your spam box if you don't see it).  From there, you'll create your account and may start the welcome module any time.  

I still have a question! Can I DM you?

Yes!  I am here to support you on this journey.  You may DM me on social media @lastingimpactwellness or via email.  I will respond within 24-48 hours to all messages.  

Is coaching really something that could help me?  

Most moms default to doing it all themselves.  Coaching offers supportive and personalized space to navigate some of life's challenges.  Think of me as your accountability partner who can help you uncover your hidden desires, elevate you to a new level and reinforce things that you're already doing well.  

How do I schedule my private 1:1 coaching sessions?

In your welcome module, you will find a link to my schedule.  If you don't find days or times that work for you, you can message me and we'll be sure to find something convenient for us both! 

Choose Now. Choose You.

Expectation → Empowerment

Guilt → gratItude

Resentment → Respect

Anxiety → Acceptance

Comparison → Compassion

Are you ready to change from...


Not sure if Changing GRACE is for you?

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask yourself "how long can I keep going like this?"  Then, imagine how you would feel if you could pause, take a beat, let go of stress and anxiety and finally feel connected and whole. 

Envision waking up with clear purpose, being present in the moments of your day instead of feeling constantly overwhelmed by chaos. 

How would it feel truly let go of guilt, shame, resentment and dissatisfaction and tune back into the person you truly want to be?  

So, what do you say??

Are you ready to rediscover YOU?

join today